Sky Kingdoms
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This man let me cook
I got banned a few years ago from playing this server because of server advertising. I was not advertising and I was just begging people to play with me on my Single Player Survival World. I didn´t know that it was forbidden and am very sorry. This is my first server I have played in Minecraft and because of that its very valuable to me. I was devestated I didn´t even get a warning. I got a permanent ban and I am asking if you could please give me another chance to enjoy this server and play with my friends. Thank you, -Flimmpy
Need Help. I wanna buy keys but I don't know how,You don't have my country's so i will pay google pay but I dont know how Can i just pay u on google pay and you give me aag4>


about 1 year ago
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8 months ago

Hey, please direct message me on Discord regarding password reset. You can join our Discord at:

11 months ago
Skypvp Rules

1. All general Sky Kingdoms Network rules apply (

2. Do not bounty staff members

3. Do not team with more than 2 other players
3.1 The maximum team allowed in Skypvp is 3 players total

4. Do not attempt to exploit your way out of Combat Log

5. Do not give or accept killstreak boosting

6. Do not attempt to bypass the automatic AFK-kick
6.1 Only Zeus ranked players are able to stay AFK for more than 10 minutes (please avoid AFKing in places like XP Rooms)
6.2 Trying to bypass the AFK-kick that happens every 10 minutes of inactivity via any method is not allowed

11 months ago
Skypvp Events

1. Every hour there is an envoy event which gives a variety of rewards (money, emeralds, ender pearls, enchanted apples or a special tier based weapon). There are 3 Tiers of Envoy chests, good luck finding them! :D

2. The last Sunday of every month we host a PvP Tournament. The event is announced a week before happening on our Discord server. The gear used there is provided by staff team. Any killstreaks lost will not be refunded, so we'd recommend using an alt account for these.
The winner of the event will be given:
- 10€ Store Coupon
- Your own custom armour stand in /ewarp HallOfFame
You can customize what outfit you want the armour stand to display (any coloured and/or enchanted leather armour) and even have a quote to go with it! Note that your player head will be on the armour stand!
- Unique monthly based weapon on SkyPvP
This weapon will remain hidden until it has been claimed by the winner

11 months ago
Skypvp Prestige

Next to your name you'll see a number and an icon (mainly a star, but you can earn yourself a different icon). This represents your level. You earn level the same way as money, by killing others. Since Levels don't really earn you much but a nice number and a color next to your name (and possible place on leaderboards), prestiges (/prestige) do a better job:

Prestige I - 1.2x Experience Multiplier
Prestige II - 1.3x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $60
Prestige III - 1.4x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $9.000
Prestige IV - 1.5x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $12.000
Prestige V - 1.6x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 1st Special Item
Prestige VI - 1.8x Experience Multiplier
Prestige VII - 1.9x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $70
Prestige VIII - 2.0x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $8.500
Prestige IX - 2.1x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $11.000
Prestige X - 2.2x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 2nd Special Item
Prestige XI - 2.4x Experience Multiplier
Prestige XII - 2.5x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $80
Prestige XIII - 2.6x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $8.000
Prestige XIV - 2.7x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $10.000
Prestige XV - 2.8x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 3rd Special Item
Prestige XVI - 3.0x Experience Multiplier
Prestige XVII - 3.1x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $90
Prestige XVIII - 3.2x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $7.500
Prestige XIX - 3.3x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $9.000
Prestige XX - 3.4x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 4th Special Item
Prestige XXI - 3.6x Experience Multiplier
Prestige XXII - 3.7x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $105
Prestige XXIII - 3.8x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $7.000
Prestige XXIV - 3.9x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $8.000
Prestige XXV - 4.0x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 5th Special Item
Prestige XXVI - 4.2x Experience Multiplier
Prestige XXVII - 4.3x Experience Multiplier & Ability to sell Emerald for $120
Prestige XXVIII - 4.4x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Kit Crate Key for $6.500
Prestige XXIX - 4.5x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy Notch Apple for $7.000
Prestige XXX - 4.6x Experience Multiplier & Ability to buy 6th Special Item

11 months ago
Skypvp Economy

1. You earn money by killing other people. Each kill earns you some money.

2. Besides getting money from kills, there's another thing that can make you a fortune - Emeralds
Those are obtainable in 2 ways:
2.1 from vote parties which happen once the goal for voting is reached (you can use /vp command to see the current count, or just look at the sidebar where it says Vote Party)
2.2 from Emerald generators which you can find around the map
Emeralds can be sold in multiple places such as shop, signs, signs in donatorsrooms (Thing for ranked people to sell those a bit faster - /ewarp DonatorsRooms), prestiges (higher the prestige, higher the price for selling).

3. Every hour there is an envoy event which gives a variety of rewards (money, emeralds, ender pearls, enchanted apples or a special tier based weapon). There are 3 Tiers of Envoy chests, good luck finding them! :D

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Duels Release & PvP Changes on Bedwars and Skywars Vihara · 6 months ago
Password aag4 · 8 months ago
Skypvp Rules aag4 · 11 months ago
Skypvp Events aag4 · 11 months ago
Skypvp Prestige aag4 · 11 months ago
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